Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Funny Luke Story

There are just few things that I wanted to document so that i will remember them.

The first one is the funniest thing that Luke said and did on Sunday when we were getting ready for church. I am not sure how he knew that is where we were getting ready to go but as I was standing there doing my hair he came running in the bathroom and he had gotten one of his button down church shirts on over his pajamas and his church shoes and he said "I am ready!!" Two things struck me: One was that he knew were all getting ready for church, and two that he knew those were his "church" items.

Then about an hour later I laid him on my bed to remove the pajamas out from under the church clothes he had put on I couldnt get him to lay his head down. He was on his back but it looked like he was attempting to do a crunch.
I said, "Luke lay down."
This was his reply, "You messing yup my hair"
I gotta say for a two year old to even be worried about what his hair looks like was quite shocking and even more hilarious. I have always spiked up both of my boys hair from pretty much the time they come out so I am starting to wonder if I am making them this way because his big brother is and always has been the same way about his hair. Something to think about.